Hilary writes:
I am in the throes of completing this book with lots of photographs taken when we were there with our children in 1971.
It is quasi-travels with our three children, quasi-historical and quasi-biographical with lots of photos.
Bali was then a very different place from the tourist mecca of today.
To whet your appetite these are the chapter titles.
- Strangers in a Foreign Land.
- Hunting for a Home.
- Sarongs for a Ceremony. Settling In.
Interlude - the Scholar
- The Emptiness of the Western Shores.
- Falling Apart.
- Quiet Days.
Interlude - the Trader
- Dancing Behind the Palace Walls
- The story of the Rajas.
- Spreading Out.
- Exorcising the Twins.
- Playing on Motorbikes.
Interlude - the Charismatic.
- Tourists, Travellers and Ex-patriots.
- Traditions and Magic.
- Balinese Voices, Balinese Views.
- Cocktails in Sanur.
- From Tenganaan to the East Coast.
- Always Strangers Here.
- A Discordant Note.
- Kintamani.
- Rocks Alive and Flying.
Interlude - the Artist.
- The Predominance of the Small.
- The Bulls are Burning.
- It's Time to be Leaving.
