Notes to Transformation
by John James
A succinct description of our inner journey to
wholeness, trust and awareness.
Discusses the Witness,
the Shadow, Soul, Spirit,
the Inner Child, Bonding and
The Dark Night of the Soul.

1994, 112 pages,
cost $AUD.25, ISBN 0646164074:
This is one
of the few books to explore the root issue behind man's predicament:
As new-born babies are merged with everyone around them they take
on their parent's emotions as their own. If mother is unconfident
baby will absorb this as an energetic formation or node. These nodes
are permanently imprinted long before the baby's mind can work out
what is happening, and remain to modify become the foundation of
The implications are very disturbing: the child cannot live his
own life, but must include the life of his parents, and since they
'inherited' their nodes in the same way, he is also taking on the
life of their parents, and before that of older generations long
This book should be a constant reference for those who wish to clear
their personal issues in the search for spiritual transformation
and inner truth. You can read excerpts from some of the chapters
in Notes to Transformation:
- Chapter 1 The Journey read
- Introducing a process for inner transformation.
- Chapter 2 Energetic closures read
- Babies are imprinted with the emotional hangups of their parents
- Chapter 3 Being Born; read
- Experiences in the womb and during birth deeply affect later
- Chapter 4 Loss of Self read
- We feel emptiness and grief as we separate from mother
- Chapter 5 Decisions for Survival
- Covering up and creating conflict to hide the inner loss
- Chapter 6 Separation
- The most important task is to create the witness
- Chapter 7 The Unconscious
- Our lives are run by the hidden parts of our psyche
- Chapter 8 Existential Grief read
- The loss of our original nature, essence and lifeforce
- Chapter 9 The Personal Selves
- Nodes of energy coagulate into distinct sub-personalities or
- Chapter 10 The Shadow read
- Suppressed material in the unconscious that runs our lives
- Chapter 11 Our Lost Gender
- How women reject their maleness and men their femaleness
- Chapter 12 The Transpersonal read
- And how do we know there is Spirit?
- Chapter 13 Map of Consciousness
- Though there seems to be a direction, we have to find our own
- Chapter 14 Relationship read
- Our closest partners can least support our deepest needs
- Chapter 15 Intimacy
- Removing soul projection and risking our vulnerability
- Chapter 16 Sharing Vulnerability
- Using bonding patterns to clear the most vulnerable closures
- Chapter 17 The Soul
- A personal entity that connects the mundane to the spiritual
- Chapter 18 The Dark Night
- Welcome despair, it is an essential time of cleansing
- Chapter 19 Cosmic Archetypes
- The soul integrates with the cosmic shadow and the universal
mother and father
- Chapter 20 The Self read
- The personal embodiment of the highest spirit
- Chapter 21 The Great Journey
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