Facing north, the house is self-sufficient in solar power, spring water and solar water heating. There are four wood fires. We have built one session and sandplay room in the house with the library and student lounges.
To the east in the Sanctuary we have a large hexagonal meeting room, another sandplay room and a small deeply private session room.

We have just built accommodation for twelve to the west of the house with electricity, showers and toilets - no mean achievement as all is solar.
As well there is a simple dormitory on the other side of the valley we call the Priest's Hut, after Father John Higgins who owned this place before us.. |
In 1996 we left Leura for a more spacious and secluded setting. It is a valley
nestled into the western foothills of the Blue Mountains. Sunny and open, it is
protected closely on all sides by wooded hills. It includes rain forests and
open land, huge sandstone boulders, many springs, two creeks, wallabies and horses.
in 2016 aster two bushfire we sold, closed the Cricible Centre, and moved to Brogo on the South Coast.

The approach closes in and it is not until you come through the gate that it
suddenly opens up into a spacious yet secluded valley. The land emits a tranquil ancient quality of its own. There are long
bush walks
to the top of the cliffs, and tracks that the aboriginal people must have used.
One takes you along one of the first roads white men cut across the mountains.
It feels like the place where three great songlines may have crossed - it is
that old a sacred place.


It is a place of deep tranquility, perfect for the therapy, the teaching and medieval research we do

Email first if you want to visit.
